This website primary purpose is to represent some information
about activities of Iranians who are interested in P4C
program and work in this area. So that by organizing such
activities among all Persian audiences through the world,
especially in Iran, develops a relevant version of the
program which is appropriate to the local culture. The
members and participants of the centre are those Iranians
who like the program and want to do something, even a very
little thing.
the other intention of the website is to represent the news
and new achievements of P4C/ PwC and its developments
through the world in Persian.
Those who are interested in the program and who have some
works about P4c in/for Persian(s), such as appropriate
projects and writings, and who are able to cooperate in
advancing the program can contact us through the e-mail
address: p4c.fabak@gmail.com

About P4C in Iran
Persian varsion